


スクール名 OSAKE Belgium
酒エデュケーター Frédéric Habay
HP https://www.osake.be/
SNS facebook instargram
コース 酒プロフェッショナル初級コース・酒ソムリエ認定コース

Frédéric Habay, Sake Educator and founder of HNadvice SPRL (OSAKE Belgium) – a company specialising in importing Japanese Junmai sake into Belgium. Frederic works alongside Cathy Carême-Yamada, a Sake Sommelier and owner of the restaurant Les Saveurs de Yamada.

Osake is the commercial arm of HNadvice … and HNadvice is above all sake!
Japanese Sake selected by experts. Each product tells it’s own story and has a unique aromatic & taste signature.

HNadvice offers an exclusive range in France and French-speaking countries; works to build a strong relationships with our Japanese brewers; and focusses on the quality and ethics of our products (as well as providing a touch of good humour).