


スクール名 Nordic Joys of Sake
酒エデュケーター Kaori Ishii
HP http://www.nordicjoysofsake.com/
コース 酒プロフェッショナル初級コース・酒ソムリエ認定コース

“I am fascinated by the versatility and complexity of sake. It is a magical drink associated with good health and longevity. It is still a relatively new drink in Scandinavia but I hope that together with sake enthusiasts we can further explore the possibilities of sake in Nordic countries. We are fortunate to have Nøgne Ø in Norway (the leading sake brewery in Europe). I wish to share with aspiring Sake Sommeliers the taste sensation and joy of hand-brewed sake.” – Kaori Ishii

Kaori Ishii is a Certified Sake Sommeliere (SSA, London [2011 top of the class]), Sake Educator (SSA, London), Shochu Sommeliere (SSI, Tokyo) and is a Sake Expert Assessor certified by the National Research Institute of Brewing (one of only 90 in the world to hold this title). She currently works for the first Sake Brewery in Europe, Nøgne Ø.