


スクール名 Chenin Noir
酒エデュケーター Xolani Mancotywa
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コース 酒プロフェッショナル初級コース・酒ソムリエ認定コース
担当地域 南アフリカ・モザンビーク・レソト・ボツワナ

Xolani Mancotywa, founder and creative director of Chenin Noir, knows his way around food and wine. Over his nearly twenty-year career in hospitality, Xolani has worked both as a chef and a sommelier, earning the lauded Certified Sommelier qualification with the Court of Master Sommeliers. Now, having become South Africa’s first Certified Sake Sommelier his eyes are set on a new challenge: bringing sake education to South Africa!

Chenin Noir is a hospitality consulting company that provides its clients with curated experiences and holistic hospitality solutions across four departments: food, beverage, education and hospitality. With a focus on education and consumer experience, Chenin Noir strives to showcase Africa’s exceptional hospitality capabilities.