Canada, Calgary

Sake Educator

Canada, Calgary

School Calgary Sake School
Sake Educator Bernard Leung
Social Media facebook instargram
Courses Run Introductory Sake Professional & Certified Sake Sommelier

Bernard is the founder of the Calgary Sake School, a SSA Certified Sake Sommelier, a SSI Kikisake-shi, and the creator of the App “SakeDemy”.
With a passion for sake, Bernard is a dedicated Sake Educator with a mission to spread the joy and appreciation of this exquisite beverage. With over a decade of experience in wine and sake writing in social media, he can offer insights and expertise that enrich the learning experience for his students.
Bernard aims to make sake accessible to everyone, from beginners to connoisseurs, and to inspire a lifelong love and passion for this ancient craft.

The Calgary Sake School, founded in 2023, is the first educational institution dedicated to sake in the region.
Our mission is to promote the appreciation and understanding of sake as a cultural & culinary treasure. We aim to provide a platform for individuals to deepen their knowledge, refine their palate, and discover the rich and diverse world of sake.
Calgary Sake School aims to be a vibrant hub for sake enthusiasts, professionals, and curious minds, offering a range of courses and experiences tailored to every level of interest and expertise.